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 de | en  Many weeks and phone calls to Tennessee later, the heavy (350kg) crate finally arrived in Switzerland. Air freight with all taxes, VAT and various additional surcharges (security, airport, fuel and so on; they are very creative...) was approx. $1300.-

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020 DSCN9585.JPG - [de]Lange Wochen später und nach vielen Telefonaten mit Tennessee kam das 350kg schwere Palett endlich in der Schweiz an. Luftfracht, Zoll, Mehrwertsteuer und diverse Gebühren (Gefahrgut, Flughafen, Kraftstoffzuschlag usw., es gibt da sehr kreative Leute) kamen insgesamt auf etwa $1300 zu stehen[en]Many weeks and phone calls to Tennessee later, the heavy (350kg) crate finally arrived in Switzerland. Air freight with all taxes, VAT and various additional surcharges (security, airport, fuel and so on; they are very creative...) was approx. $1300.-

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